English & German Doctors T: (+34) 952 779 680 E: info@reisbeck-medical.com

Payment Policy
Medical services are provided and billed by Reisbeck-Medical, SLP.
You will receive your medical bill directly from us, and then you can file for reimbursement from your health insurer.
Depending on your health plan and it's origin, you can choose to receive your bill in English, German or Spanish. We do not bill the insurance company directly, unless your plan specifically allows for that.
In some cases of major in-hospital interventions which require prior authorization, the insurance company may accept to be billed directly by us without patient involvement.
However, please be aware that with any health plans, there may be deductibles and co-payments for which you could be responsible.
As way of payment, we accept cash or credit cards, except American Express.
We do not have special agreements with any with any public health care system.